DavisĀ® Vantage Pro2 Plus
Site - 11007

Latest Observation:

2:15:58 AM - Friday, February 7, 2025

Gate CityVA

Outside Temp:





Dark - 0

Precipitation Totals

Today:  00.09

This Month:  05.01

This Year:   51.58"

Active NOAA Weather Radio alerts. No active NWS text alerts

0Global SettingThis is the city or locale name you wish to use on the site.CityGate City
1Global SettingThis is the state name spelled out.StateVirginia
2Global SettingThis is the two-letter state postal abbreviation.StateCodeVA
3Global SettingThis is the ID of the NOAA Weather Radio station your receiver is tuned to.RadioCallSignWXK47
4Global SettingThis is the frequency of the NOAA Weather Radio station your reciever is tuned to.RadioFrequency162.550 MHz
5Global SettingThis is the location of the NOAA Weather Radio station your receiver is tuned to.TransmitterLocationBristol, TN
6Global SettingThis is the metro area or region covered by the NOAA Weather Radio station your receiver is tuned to. Also the Area Covered by XML Text AlertsRadioMetroAreaSouthwest Virginia
7Weathertabs1.aspxAddress of 100px x 100 px image used as logoLogoImageUrl~/ClientUploads/Logos/scottLogo.jpg
8text_forecast.aspxThe URL to the National Weather Service forecast for your areaTextForecastLinkUrlhttps://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?&textField1=36.6386&textField2=-82.5812&TextType=2
9VOIP feed display textThe URL for the VOIP live feed from your receiver. Be sure to include the port numberLiveNWRLinkUrlhttps://
10moLocal.aspxThe URL for the local radar feedLocalRadarUrlhttps://myownradar.alerteagle.com/html5/gatecty20/morani.html
11weathertabs1.aspxPage Title for Weathertabs1.aspxPageTitleGate City, VA Weather and Alerts
12Radar20.aspxURL for 50 mile Radar feedRegionalRadarUrlhttps://myownradar.alerteagle.com/html5/gatecty50/morani.html
13Radar100.aspxURL for 100 mile Radar feed100MileRadarUrlhttps://myownradar.alerteagle.com/html5/gatecty100/morani.html
14RadarUS.aspxURL for US Radar feedUSRadarUrlhttps://myownradar.alerteagle.com/comp/800x500/usa.gif
15RadarState.aspxURL for State Radar feedNCRadarUrlhttps://myownradar.alerteagle.com/comp/800x500/virginia.gif
16forecast_map.aspxURL for forecast map feedForecastMapUrlhttps://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov//noaa/noaa.gif
17satellite.aspxURL for satellite feedSatelliteUrlhttps://cdn.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/GOES16/ABI/CONUS/13/1250x750.jpg