PageID | PageName | ItemDescription | ItemName | ItemData |
0 | Global Setting | This is the city or locale name you wish to use on the site. | City | Gate City |
1 | Global Setting | This is the state name spelled out. | State | Virginia |
2 | Global Setting | This is the two-letter state postal abbreviation. | StateCode | VA |
3 | Global Setting | This is the ID of the NOAA Weather Radio station your receiver is tuned to. | RadioCallSign | WXK47 |
4 | Global Setting | This is the frequency of the NOAA Weather Radio station your reciever is tuned to. | RadioFrequency | 162.550 MHz |
5 | Global Setting | This is the location of the NOAA Weather Radio station your receiver is tuned to. | TransmitterLocation | Bristol, TN |
6 | Global Setting | This is the metro area or region covered by the NOAA Weather Radio station your receiver is tuned to. Also the Area Covered by XML Text Alerts | RadioMetroArea | Southwest Virginia |
7 | Weathertabs1.aspx | Address of 100px x 100 px image used as logo | LogoImageUrl | ~/ClientUploads/Logos/scottLogo.jpg |
8 | text_forecast.aspx | The URL to the National Weather Service forecast for your area | TextForecastLinkUrl | |
9 | VOIP feed display text | The URL for the VOIP live feed from your receiver. Be sure to include the port number | LiveNWRLinkUrl | |
10 | moLocal.aspx | The URL for the local radar feed | LocalRadarUrl | |
11 | weathertabs1.aspx | Page Title for Weathertabs1.aspx | PageTitle | Gate City, VA Weather and Alerts |
12 | Radar20.aspx | URL for 50 mile Radar feed | RegionalRadarUrl | |
13 | Radar100.aspx | URL for 100 mile Radar feed | 100MileRadarUrl | |
14 | RadarUS.aspx | URL for US Radar feed | USRadarUrl | |
15 | RadarState.aspx | URL for State Radar feed | NCRadarUrl | |
16 | forecast_map.aspx | URL for forecast map feed | ForecastMapUrl | |
17 | satellite.aspx | URL for satellite feed | SatelliteUrl | |
18 | temp-rain.aspx | Lattitude | Lattitude | 36.6379 |
19 | temp-rain.aspx | Longitude | Longitude | -82.5810 |